Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/303

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Plate 23. — The Sealing Room for the Dead

Of the three small ceremonial rooms entered from the Celestial Room, this, the Sealing Room for the Dead, is reached first as one proceeds easterly from the Veil. This apartment is slightly raised above the floor of the large room, and is furnished in subdued color. At the altar in the fore-ground kneel the parties who appear as proxies for the dead. The art-window at the rear of the alcove represents the resurrected prophet, Moroni, in the act of delivering to the boy, Joseph Smith, the ancient record since translated by the power of God and published as the Book of Mormon. The event here depicted occurred on the 22d of September, 1827.

This room is reserved for the sacred ordinances of sealing in behalf of the dead, which ordinances comprise the sealing of husbands and wives and of parents and children.

See pages 191, 192.