Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/263

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Plate 3.—The Great Temple at Salt Lake City, Utah

This splendid structure was forty years in building. The corner stones were laid April 6, 1853; the capstone was placed in position April 6, 1892, and the completed Temple was dedicated April 6, 1893; each of these events was marked by impressive ceremony. The walls are of solid granite eight feet thick in the first story and six feet in the upper parts. Many stones of emblematical significance appear representing sun, moon, stars, the earth, and the clouds.

On the main inscription stone at the east we read: "Holiness to the Lord" and on the keystones of the arched windows at both east and west ends, "I am Alpha and Omega" and above these is the awe-inspiring emblem of the All-seeing Eye.

See pages 136-180.