Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/144

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After a recess of one hour, the congregation re-assembled and the remaining corner stones were laid in the order indicated. The south-west corner-stone was laid under the direction of the High Priests' organization, and the president pronounced the following:

"The second corner-stone of the temple now building by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in honor of the Great God, is duly laid, and may the same unanimity that has been manifested on this occasion continue till the whole is completed; that peace may rest upon it to the laying of the top-stone thereof, and the turning of the key thereof; that the Saints may participate in the blessings of Israel's God, within its walls, and the glory of God rest upon the same. Amen."

The north-west corner-stone was then lowered to its place under the superintendency of the High Council, with a benediction by Elias Higbee, as follows:

"The third corner-stone is now duly laid; may this stone be a firm support to the building that the whole may be completed as before proposed."

The stone at the north-east corner was laid by the Bishops, and Bishop Whitney pronounced the following:

"The fourth and last corner-stone, expressive of the Lesser Priesthood, is now duly laid, and may the blessings before pronounced, with all others desirable, rest upon the same forever. Amen."[1]

Regarding the proper order of procedure in temple building, the prophet Joseph Smith wrote as follows in connection with the laying of the corner-stones at Nauvoo:

  1. See "History of the Church of Testis Christ of Latter-day Saints," Vol IV, p. 330.