Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/64

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The Hiſtory of

the Church as Hereticks. There was a convenſion of the States at Prague, and a Synod of the Divines, in the yeare 1450. in which by the advice of Rokizane, but by the common conſent of all, an appeale was made to the Greeke Church, and Ambaſſadours ſent with letters to Conſtantinople. The Greekes received the Heads of the Doctrine from them, and rejoyced in their mutuall conſent, and letters in the teſtimony thereof, being returned to the Bohemians, they confirmed them in the faith, having made a promiſe that they would ordain them Miniſters for their Church. The Letters were ingroſſed in Parchment, and ſealed with waxe of a red colour, with the ſubſcription of the Patriarch, and the chiefeſt of his Biſhops, which being afterward committed to the preſſe, are yet extant to be ſeen. But when theſe things afforded but a lingring hope, Rokizane did again incourage his, and gave them new hopes of a Reformation, ſuddenly to appear: for taxing divers abuſes, he ſaid: We only now do grow on the out-ſide, but ſhortly ſome will appear, who from the depths ſhall draw forth the foundation of true religion.

4. When in this manner for ſeven long yeares, hee delayed to give ſatisfaction to the minds of ſo many pious men, being againe demanded his advice, hee ſaid. That he now had ſeriouſly obſerved, and conſidered all things, and could not yet find what
