Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/55

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

Chap. XVI.

The Martyrdoms under the future Huſſites.

1. VVE are now come to declare the Schiſm of thoſe men, who did profeſſe the name of Hus, and how the greater part of them did by degrees degenerate, and at laſt did perſecute the faithfull: They all had a zeal, according to the example of Hus their Maſter, to oppoſe Antichriſt; But when by his remarkable death, they were deſtitute of a diſcreet and couragious Captain, who ſhould contain the incenſed people within the bounds of rule and order, it ſo came to paſſe, that they were diſtracted into divers opinions, and nouriſhed moſt grievous diſſentions among themſelves. For the Commonalty of the people, and the greateſt part of the Clergy, being bent only upon the Cup, and from thence called Cuppeirs in the Story of Security, neglected the other documents of Mr. Hus. But the Thaborites (amongſt whom Wenceſlaus Lorenda, and Nicolas Epiſcopius, two excellent men, were moſt eminent, with ſome few others) did preſſe the purity and ſimplicity of his doctrine, in all the Articles and Ceremonies thereof. On the one ſide it was cryed up, that the Rites of the Church were not eſſentiall, on the other ſide all Superſtition was cried down: neither were there wanting ſome diſguiſed men, who to promote the cause of
