Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/400

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The Hiſtory of

the year 1623. all the Emperors Army was againe reduced to ſuch extremity at Hodonidum in Moravia, that all was given for loſt; had not the Count of Black-Mount imbraced conditions of peace in the Emperors behalfe, which were ſo low and baſe, as that he letted not to kiſſe Bethlemius his feet. Afterwards the Subjects of auſtria the lower, Rebelled, and much increaſed their extremity. This likewiſe is very memorable: the ſame day, whereupon the firſt proſcription of the Citizens of Prague was publiſhed (July the 12. 1627.) the Lord afflicted Italy by an horrible Earth-quake, whereby many Townes and Villages with many thouſands of men were ſwallowed up.

22. In the interim God ſtruck the firſt born of theſe Egyptians, theſe principal men dying (to wit) Pope Paul the 5. and Gregory the 14. Philip the 3, King of Spain, alſo Charles Albertus, and John Charles Duke of Auſtria, the Emperour Ferdinands brother, his uncle, his ſonne, and ſome others.

22. At laſt (when not onely Bohemia but alſo all Germany was full of Prodigies, and yet theſe enemies did not ceaſe to bring all things into confuſion, and to fill all places with their Tyranny and impiety, God ſtirred up a Northerne Whirle-wind, which, to this day ſhakes the Walles of this wicked Babylon.

24. To whom that Gods word might the more
