Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/395

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

factor, whom they called out of priſon: and gave him promiſe to ſet him at liberty, and give him his life, if he would take the Chalice out of the wall, and break it in pieces. This he did for the reward of his life: but a few dayes after, he was re-taken at Auſtium, and racked by a wheele.

15. Tobias Konig, Conſul of Trutnovia, a cruell Apoſtate, and tormentor of the faithfull, which adhered conſtantly to their Religion in the year 1629 being taken with a ſudden diſeaſe, and waxing as black as a coal, uttered his ſpeech like the barking of a dog: and ſo being made a ſpectacle for the ſpace of three dayes did vomit up his ſoul with terrible anguiſh.

16. George Kanaſz, Prefect of the Dominions of the Prince of Lichtenſtein in Moravia: when as the day before Chriſt-tide (in the year 1627) ſtaying with Jeſuites in the Proſtan court the whole day, he had brought many of the citizens into apoſtacy (he indeed at that time not profeſſing it, but was induced by the promiſe of a thouſand crownes, to whip his fellow Brethren) and had ſent the reſt into priſon: after a moſt delicate Supper, he returned in the middle of the night unto the Tower of Plumlovia (being one mile diſtant from the city) and having well drunk, he ſlept ſoundiy. But becauſe he had commanded that they ſhould raiſe him for to celebrate the night ſervice, to the end he might triumph for the executing of ſo rare an act. It came to paſſe (accor-
