Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/389

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

eye-witneſſes) we leave it undetermined. But this is certain that many ſuns were diverſe times ſeen, in the year following; the ſun alſo was ſeen by a great multitude of people at Prague, to dart out, as it were, balls of fire.

3. In the year 1623. exceeding thick ſmoak did proceed at ſet times from the pinacles of the chiefe Church of the Goſpellers (at Joyfull Court) ſo that men ſuppoſing it to have come from fire within, ran thither to quench the burning; but the Towers being well ſearched within, they found it otherwiſe. The Ieſuites becauſe they could not deny the truth of the miracle ſo often repeated, did interpret it to their own advantage, ſaying, the reliques of hereſies do now ſmoak and fly up into the air.

4. In the ſame year when upon Corpus Chriſti day, the firſt ſolemn circumgeſtation (or carrying about) of holy bread, was celebrated at Kutterberge, with the noiſe of Trumpets, Timbrels, Fiddles, Gunnes, and the like, the Heavens (the Clouds being compacted on a ſuddain ) poured out ſuch a floud of waters, that within half an hour, the Marchants-ſhops, Carts, and other heavy bodies , did ſwimme in the ſtreets, which alſo was mingled with ſo great a ſhower of haile, that not onely the windowes of Churches and houſes were broken, but even the ſheep in the fields, and the wild beaſts in the woods were knocked downe, ſome wounded and others ſlain.

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