Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/376

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The Hiſtory of

deſire, hee ſent his Angell unto mee, and mine eies ſaw his glory brighter than the ſun, and there was given to me in a moment the holy ſpirit, and I was born again: there was likewiſe afforded me a diſcerning of the Spirits, ſo that I could diſtinguiſh between good and evill; and with this great gift, I did likewiſe receive a command of reproving the ſinnes of men. Nor am I deceived, for the Spirit of God doth not hide himſelf from any man to whom he is given, that he ſhould not declare to the wicked, things future, but mercy to the penitents: and therefore I was likewiſe forbid by the ſpirit to doe any mote the workes of the

fleſh, according to the luſts of the world, which had conſpired together, what they might, againſt the juſt Judge of the living and the dead, and againſt the anointed ones whom he hath choſen to himſelfe. Nor is my Mr. Walkaun ignorant of this; for they did hinder me from ſpeaking the truth for the ſpace ot four years: but by how much the more they hindred me, ſo much the more did God confirme mee by his Spirit. Likewiſe they may remember, that I came to the Pallace of Zlonice, that I might declare unto them the truth, and invite them to repentance, even as the Lord Jeſus had commanded me by his holy Spirit, and ſo to continue for three days together, Friday, Sabbath day, and Munday; upon which laſt day, I had alſo my booke with me, (but where he ſaith, I am a ſeducer of ſoules, I anſwer and affirme, that it is
