Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/349

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

part of his goods was onely granted unto him the other two parts being brought into the Lords Coffer: But when he ſaw this taken away, and getting nothing of the whole, he committed himſelf to divine providence with a full confidence, and indured the miſeries of baniſhment, even to death, dying at Pern in Miſnia.'

4. In the year 1626. The ſame Captain, that he might bring a univerſall deluge of Apoſtaſie, brought in Souldiers, and compelled ſome by divers tortures to a deſperate obedience. Among the reſt, he forced 50. men into a narrow place of the Court, where they could not ſtand, much leſſe ſit, or lie. While they were kept in this place three whole dayes, and there having all paſſage out denied them, they performed the work of nature (Sr. Reverence) it could not be, but that they, being troubled with the ſtink, and likewiſe ſad and angry, ſhould faint. Therefore promiſing to learn, they are diſmiſſed. In the ſame manner the wicked man handled women in his Chamber. But thoſe that loved Chriſt went afterward into baniſhment.
