Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/341

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

ſtuffe, many went about to take out of the hands of Babylon which way ſoever they might, even by the ruines of the walles, their miſerable lives, or rather their ſoules, by which way more then thouſands went out leaving all to the perſecutors: and among theſe the wife of the Lord Kralitz, a rich woman, who having left behind her abundance of good Houſholdſtuffe, got out of the City through a Channel of the wall, by which the filth of the City was carried out, and ſo followed her Husband.

8. But if any of the baniſhed were oppreſt with want (for Miſnia could exhauſt mony out of the baniſhed) but did not know how to afford never any Councelor help, they went into Bohemia, ſeeking every where help, or rather almes, and ſo being betrayed, were taken as it happened lately to two Maſters, Citizens of Zalicum, Mr. Lucius and Stalco, which the Popiſh Prieſt [the good man Woolfegang Sekera being already thruſt out of pay] Paulus Sekera not worthy to be a blower of Coles, having taken them, did puniſh them firſt with a yeares impriſonment at home, afterwards Don Martin ſent them into welhartice Caſtle to be tormented, who being by their long impriſonment deprived of their health, and almoſt of the uſe of their reaſon, they are ſent away halfe alive to certain places.

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