Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/269

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

at his entrance into Prague in the peoples name, and had wiſh’d well to him upon his departure from the City, had his tongue faſten’d with an awle to the Gallowes (while three other Lawyers Joſeph Kubin, John Swehla, and Wenceſlaus Bozjeaus being whipt were brought out of the Gates) and kept there for two houres, afterwards impriſoned, and 4 yeares after ſent into baniſhment.

4. Upon this ſad tragedy followed the lamentations of the godly: many being grieved that it had not been their priviledge to die with the reſt. In the mean time the enemies inſulted over the poor oppreſſed Proteſtants; but Martin Fruweyn de Podoli, is not to be paſſed over in ſilence.

Chap. 83.

Martin Fruweyn de Podoli.

AN eminent Citizen of Prague, and famous for pleading in the Courts of the Kingdom, whoſe Councell the States had uſed for many yeares. He upon the taking of Prague was taken at his own houſe, and ſcoffed at by the Souldiers, who had the poſſeſſion of the whole houſe, beaten with their fiſts, and at length by an unheard of and exquiſite kind of torture, he was ſo cruelly burnt even to the privy parts, that for ſix moneths
