Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/224

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The Hiſtory of


Joachimus Andreas, Schlik of Holeytſche Count of Aſsaw Lord of Swijan.

I. HE was a man of above fifty years of age, as of ancient noble family; ſo he of very good parts. For Heroicall magnanimity, with admirable modeſty of mind, a readineſſe of acting buſineſſes with a Religious care and circumſpection, as alſo with a wonderful temperature excelled in him. Deſervedly therfore by the Orders he was made choiſe of to be director of their Councels; and afterwards by Fredericke he was choſe chiefe Judge, and made Pro-Marcio of Luſatia.

2. Flying from the conquering hands of Ferdinand, he went into Luſatia. But the Elector of Saxony taking of him, although in his youth he was his chiefe Officer, and one that did deſerve very well of him, yet by the perſwaſion of I know not what Antichriſtian Paraſite, he delivered him over to the fury of the enemie. With what reſolution he anſwered the examiners, is before mentioned, when he had received that horred ſentence of death, eſpecially that he was to be quartered, and his parts to be ſcatered here and there, he anſwered, The loſſe of a ſepulcher is eaſie, when Roſarius the Miniſter came to him, and wiſhed to courage
