Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/18

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The Hiſtory of

driving away and ſudden deſtroying all Chriſtians excited her to deal with Ballioius, a moſt cruel Citizen, whom she had ſet over the City of Prague, under title of Pretor, to him ſhe doth reveal her moſt execrable deſire, and doth earneſtly entreat him by fraud or force to effect this, promiſing him a rich reward for his labour done. He entertains the curſed motion,and aims ſix hundred conſpirators at his own houſe, with them he haſtens to thoſe that were deſigned for ſlaughter; but the plot being diſcovered to the Chriſtians, above four hundred mer to defend their own lives, the iſſue of the fight was victory on the Chriſtians ſide the ſtreets being poluted with the blood of about eight hundred that were ſlain.

6. Drahomira did much reſent the evill ſucceſſe of her councell, and therefore fained that tumults diſpleaſed her, she commanded that the armes should bee laid downe on both ſides, and be laid in the city Magazine, ſeverely prohibiting any perſon to walk with dart or ſword.

7, The Chriſtians although they ſuſpected her treachery, yet leaſt they ſhould ſeem to diſobey the commands of the Magiſtrate, brought their armes to that place to which the eneimie ſeemed to carry theirs. Drahomira commands in the ſilenteſt part of the night to let upon them being thus diſarmed, leaſt in the day as lately, there ſhould be tumults made; there were killed in one night by alured Ruffins more then three hundred half aſleep and half naked, Dra-
