Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/165

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

uſed their beſt endeavour to bring Hereſie into diſgrace, and highly to magnifie and ſet abroach the Roman Cauſe. The chief and moſt eminent men both for honour and eſtates are invited to Apoſtacy, the meaner and inferior ſort either are fooled, by their examples, or compelled by threatnings. At length the Thunderbolt of Proſcription is caſt with great violence againſt the former Orders; and the chiefe Commiſſaries of the Reformation, are nominated and appointed, namely the Arch-Biſhop of Prague Cardinall de Harach, the Abbot of Strohavia, Pariſlaw, Borzita Count of Matromitz, moſt commonly called Smeczanski, Frederick de Fallenbergh and Chriſtopher Wrotiſlaus. This Bark of the Univerſal Apoſtacy in this Kingdome was committed to theſe Pilots, but through the perſwaſion of Smeczanius they refuſed to undertake the Government thereof, except they may have abſolute power of determining any thing againſt any man, without the compulſion of any man, or the contradiction or alteration of their ſentence, even by ſar himſelf ſo that now in ſtead of the Counſell of Inquiſition in Spain, a High Court of Reformers is ſet up, from which if they did depart, being required to have a teſtimony, they were many wayes troubled by the Jeſuites, with divers cenſures, ſollicitings, proteſtations, and temptations. If any one refuſed, they demanded of him whether at the leaſt he would learne, if hee conſented, they ſet him a time, or gave him
