Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/161

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

ſuites anſwered. That they had no cauſe to wonder, for that this proceeding was ſafe for them. For they were to deal with Hereticks as with children and madmen, to whom if you would get a knife from them, you muſt ſhew and promiſe ſome other things, though you do not give them. They might be content that they had provided for their ſoules, and therefore to teſtifie their thankfulneſſe might more chearfully help the Emperour by contribution, and quartering of Souldiers.

Chap. XLVII.

The horrible adulterating of Money.

I. VVHilſt the Kingdome is emptied of gold and ſilver, the Emperour commands that Cijpris money ſhould be made, and ſilvered over, of ſeverall values and that with ſuch abundance, that the common people not perceiving the deceite might imagine their great abundance, in the mean time the ſouldiers extort onely good mony: the value of golde and ſilver riſe to ten times the price of it, ſo that an Imperiall Shilling was worth ten Bohemian Florenees. But in the year 1624. the Emperour unexpectedly did diminiſh the vallue of that money, and commanded that every piece of that mony ſhould be worth onely the tenth part:
