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The Hiſtory of

ſeed of the Goſpell was ſowne ſuddenly a great harveſt was gathered, partly in regard Ludomilla the Captains wife laid aſide the Idol Roſina, which before ſhe worſhipped. Likewiſe a confluence of the Nobility and Commonalty were daily baptized, partly by reaſon of thoſe Churches and Schooles which were in many places erected by Borivoius.

2. Thus the Bohemians received the firſt light of the Goſpel; but the Croſſe was the concomitant of it, according to the will of Chriſt, who as he did eſtabliſh his Church by his own bloud; ſo he ſprinkles it with the bloud of Martyrs, that it may be fruitfull: this is the counſell of Divine Wiſedome, that we may hope in Chriſt, not for the things of this life. Therefore the Goſpel coſt the Bohemians ſome of their bloud. The chief of thoſe that witneſſed the truth were the Princes Ludomilla and Winceslaus, and ſome hundreds of the common People: the ſtory of whom we ſhall briefly relate, chiefly out of Dubratius.

3. Firſt of all Borivoius was baniſhed by the wicked faction of Infidels; Stoinurus was placed in his room, who was baniſhed thirteen years in Bavaria; but when they knew him to be a Chriſtian, they ſent him again into exile, Borivosus being recalled, they compelled him to reſign the dominion to his ſon Spitigneus, who was more favorable to the Heathens. He being dead, Drahomera a heathen (made famous for Nobility and Beauty) was given in marriage to Worutiſlaus, the younger ſon of Borivoius, who at
