Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/158

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The Hiſtory of

obſcure Parents, (being a Butchers ſonne in the towne of budus) but skillfull in the Jeſuites practiſes, and by them firſt promoted to bee ſecretary of State, and afterwards for the paines hee tooke for the houſe of Auſtria againſt his country and religion he was Knighted, and preſently after created a wealthy Baron, and at length an Earl. It is reported of him, that when the grand forgers of theſe plots met after the eſtabliſhment of their victory to conſult what was to bee done? Whether they ſhould bee baniſhed the Kingdome, and how they ſhould begin, that he ſhould anſwer. It was not a fit time, becauſe they would carry many things with them, and ſpoile the Province and endure baniſhment with greater eaſe: They were firſt to bee well ſqueezd and deprived of all their goods, and then other things would be carried on with greater expedition. They carried on their deſigns by theſe meanes.


The burthens of Taxes.

I. AFter Prague was yielded the ſouldiers were authorized to plunder the houſes of the Noblemen and citizens, but yet at ſeveral ſeaſons & chiefly in the night time were their plots cunningly forg’d by their Captains. By which means as the enemies themſelves
