Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/134

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The Hiſtory of

concern them, ſince theſemen are not ſuch as the Piccardines are deſcribed to be, and therefore ſar did connive and looked not ſo narrowly after them, as that they ſhould ſo ſtrictly obſerve his decree herein, neither was it lawfull for the enemy to preſſe the Orders ſo farre, and it was related by a man of credit, that the evening before the 22. of July, when newes was brought to the King that Alba Regia was taken (being the chiefe City of Hungary) in great aſtoniſhment ſaid, I looked for ſome ſuch thing, ſince this day I began to uſurp the Government of God, which is of conſciences.

2. Neither intended hee any thing elſe than to make good the promiſe of his father, and to ſettle liberty of conſcience, as he declared afterwards, when in the year 1609 to the Orders of the Kingdome under both kinds (the Pope the Spaniſh faction and their counſellors not conſenting thereto) he committed the lower conſiſtory, and the univerſity to be reformed at the pleaſure of the Orders, giving them Patents whereby this donation was confirmed to them, and gave leave that the churches and ſchools ſhould be inhabited, or if need be ſhould be built, and forbad that any of his ſubjects whether Catholick or Spirituall ſhould bee puniſhed for his religion, and obliged thoſe Kings that ſhould ſucceed him, religiouſly to obſerve theſe things, and alſo gave power to the Orders to make choiſe of
