Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/129

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

which was done in the year 1566, where the Dedicatorie epiſtles mentioned, that al their hope was in him, both for the preſervation of them and their goods, & that his Majeſty would promote the univerſal Reformation of the Church and encouraged him by the example of David, Jehoſaphat, Joſiah, Conſtantine & Theodoſius, and at length did not doubt, but that he would imploy that talent which God had given him, for the advancing of ſo good a cauſe, even as the preface ſhewes, which all the bookes of thoſe Songs do prefer. And it is probable that the Prince did not want a will, if in regard of the policy of thoſe men who had the Scepters of Kings in their poſſeſsions, and had bound up their hands, it might have been lawfull.

4. In the third yeare of his reigne, 1565. the haters of the truth forged a new proceſſe againſt the Brethren, abuſing the authority of Ioachim de Nova Domo Chancellour of Bohemia; who going to Vienna, wrought ſo by continuall diligence with ſar, that hee ſhould urge Wladiſlaus to ſubſcribe (though unwillingly) the old Mandate, with a new one againſt the Piccardines. But the goodneſſe of God had a watchfull eye ouer his, and would not permit ſo good and innocent a Prince to have a hand in bloud, or be burthened with the cries of the oppreſſed. For when the Chancellour returned ſtrengthned with the Princes Letters patents, and ſcarce entring the ports of Vienna, comming over the bridge Danu-
