Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 1.djvu/328

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Chapter I.
Hakon chosen king.

Hakon[1], Athelstan's foster-son, was in England at the time he heard of his father King Harald's death, and he immediately made himself ready to depart. King Athelstan gave him men, and a choice of good ships, and fitted him out for his journey most excellently. In harvest time he came to Norway, where he heard of the death of his brothers, and that King Eric was then in Viken. Then Hakon sailed northwards to Drontheim, where he went to Sigurd earl of Lade, who was the ablest man in Norway. He gave Hakon a good reception; and they made a league with each other, by which Hakon promised great power to Sigurd if he was made king. They assembled then a numerous Thing, and Sigurd the earl recommended Hakon's cause to the Thing[2], and proposed him to the bonders as king. Then Hakon himself stood up and spoke; and the people said to each other, two and two, as they heard him, " Harald Haarfager is come again, and grown young." The beginning of Hakon's speech was, that he offered himself to the bonders as king, and desired from them the title of king, and aid and forces to defend the kingdom. He promised, on the other hand, to make all the bonders udalholders, and give every man udal rights to the land he lived on. This speech met such joyful applause,

  1. Hakon the Good, Athelstan's foster-son, reigned from about the year 937 to the year 961.
  2. This reference to a Thing appears from the saga to have been necessary, whatever the claim from hereditary right by succession may have been to the kingdom.