Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 24.pdf/603

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Petition in Equity By R. H. TRESPASS quare clausum is the tort For which I bring this bill in equity. The close that you have broken is my heart. The grass you've trampled down so thoughtlessly Is Hope. Of what? Ah me! I cannot tell In stilted antique legal verbiage Nor limping verse; and yet you know as well As if 'twere writ in full upon this page, How I had hoped my love for you might meet Some answering love or pity at the least. You could so easily make my lot sweet! A crumb of love would be to me a feast! Wherefore, I pray the court that it decree Specific reparation unto me.

Reviews of Booths in the argument that the framers of the Constitution did not intend to give the The Supreme Court and the Constitution. By judiciary the power to declare statutes Charles A. Beard, Associate Professor of Politics in Columbia University. Macmillan Co., New unconstitutional, the historical evidence York. Pp. 127. ($1 net.) should be readily accessible, and when Power of Federal Judiciary over Legislation: the proponents of the usurpation doc Its Origin; the Power to Set Aside Laws; Bound aries of the Power; Judicial Independence; Exist trine are unable to produce the evidence ing Evils and Remedies. By J. Hampden Dough erty, author of The Electoral System of the United their case falls to the ground. Our States. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and faith in the doctrine of Marbury v. London. Pp. 117+ index. Madison as the legitimate offspring of THAT the founders of the republic the Constitution becomes, however,

intended this government to be something more than a matter of unreone of laws and not of men, that in butted presumption when an impartial

accordance with this purpose they con investigator, whose only interest is in templated the powers of Congress being ascertaining the truth, comes forward limited by the written Constitution, and with positive proofs that appear to be that the doctrine of Marbury v. Madison conclusive. Professor Beard's book so was not an innovation but the affirm squarely and effectively disposes of the ance of a principle early adopted, seem question that it may help to silence to most people fairly sound propositions. discussion of what will be more likely Nevertheless the cry of usurpation is henceforth to be regarded a fruitless often raised. If there is anything at all theme.