Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 24.pdf/410

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The Legal World lar ratification was defeated. Reduc tion of the size of the lower branch of the legislature was favored. Woman suffrage was defeated 208 to 149 on a roll call. The deliberations of the convention were terminated prematurely by the limited size of the appropriation allowed for its expenses. The twenty-seventh conference of the International Law Association was held in Paris June 3-8. A valuable report was presented by Mr. Justice Phillimore and Dr. Ernest Schuster on "An International Law of Bills of Exchange and Cheques." Dr. Evans Darby gave a resume of "The Progress of Inter national Arbitration," and suggested that the present alliances and ententes of the European powers might develop into a peaceful federation. "Terri torial Waters" was discussed by Sir Thomas Barclay and others. The law of the air was taken up, the British doctrine as expounded by Harold D. Hazeltine of the University of Cam bridge, to the effect that the sovereingty of the state extends in full measure over the air above its territory, being im pugned by Messrs. Fanchille and Desouches, who upheld the theory of the freedom of the air. W. P. Phillimore, discussing the unification of law, thought it possible in the fields of maritime and commercial law, and in procedure, but impracticable as regards questions of domestic relations and land tenure.


of Political Science, Philosophy, Pure Science, and Fine Arts, in Columbia University. Drago, Luis Maria, LL.D. Columbia. Formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Thayer, Eyra Ripley, LL.D. Brown. Dean of Harvard Law School. Reed, Alfred, LL.D. Princeton. Jurist. Whitehouse, William Penn, LL.D. Bowdoin. Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Murrill, John Adams, LL.D. Bowdoin. Commissioner in charge of the last revision of the statutes of Maine. Beale, William Gerrish, LL.D. Bowdoin. Of the Chicago bar. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, LL.D. Williams. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Adams, Mebin O., LL.D. Dartmouth. Lawyer and railroad president. Lodge, Henry Cabot, LL.D. Amherst. United States Senator. Baldwin, Simeon E., LL.D. Wesleyan. Governor of Connecticut. Murlin, Lemuel H., LL.D. Wesleyan. President of Boston University. Butler, Charles H., A.M. Princeton. Reporter of the Supreme Court of the United States. Sargent, John G., A.M. Tufts. Attorney-General of Vermont. Niles, Edward Cullen, A.M. Trinity. Chairman of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. Smith, Judge Edward Laurence, A.M. Trinity. Of Hartford, Conn.

The Academic Roll of Honor Obituary

The following members of the bench and bar received honorary academic degrees in June:White, Edward pouglass, LL.D. Columbia. Chief Justice of the United States. Burgess, John William, LL.D. Columbia. Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Constitutional Law, lately Dean of the Faculties

Carter, Bernard of Baltimore, the recognized leader of the Maryland bar, died at Narragansett Pier June 13 at the age of seventy-eight. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he became widely known in public life and in his profession. He was at one time pro