Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/270

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The Green Bag


It is to be destroyed by an ipse dixit, for no arguments are made against the general capabilities, honesty or patri otism of its members, and no arraign ment of its usefulness is presented. It is to be brutally abolished because some body THINKS and someone sunzvss that the people will be better served if they directly elect the Senators. One of the most firmly established branches of the government is to be torn up by the

roots and sacrificed to a spirit of specula tion.

A Senate existed in Athens, anterior to Solon, and he organized this brandi

with 400 members above thirty years of age chosen by lot, among the four tribes from among the citizens of the three

first classes.

It deliberated upon all

affairs before they were carried into the assembly of the people. Being mindful of versed the conditions. experience ofIt ages was substantially we have re.

the same with the Spartan Senate which was organized by Lycurgus.

All the teachings of history and

The Senate of the United States was

principle are to be cast aside to satisfy a most superficial spirit of reform.

only new in the aspect of the federation,

each state small or great having two

The main argument put forth that there has been a change in conditions

Senators to represent it. But if a Con federation had not been formed and the

since the Constitution was adopted is

individual states had dissolved themselves

the strongest in favor of its retention.

and coalesced into a nation, a Senate independent of the people and of the Executive, would have still been essential. In conclusion, I feel that the only strength of this movement is that it has secured the support of Senators and others whose names and opinions are

The Senate was organized to meet not the existing but a future history when the nation would have a greater population and be confronted with more compli cated questions of politim and com merce.

The framers of the Constitution

did not entertain the silly opinion that

entitled to respect and weight.

this country was to stand still, and that the Constitution was to be adapted merely to the situation existingwhen it was promulgated. It was launched for a voyage into the future centuries; it was constructed and equipped to meet all the emergencies and vicissitudes which an increased population and _a growing nation would develop. Wherever the population of a country is so large that an absolute democracy

have hoped that in an issue touching a fundamental alteration of the Constitu

cannot exist a representative govern

Once started, however, it has gathered

ment is necessary, and a Senate appoint


ed or elected by some power at least a degree removed from the people is not

people until it has reached a point where the Senate of the United States is asked to declare itself incompetent to fulfil

a mere form but an essential to a permanent government. The conception of a Senate was not original with the creators of our federa tion.

Even the name and age of the

Senators were borrowed.

I could

tion there would exist practical unanim ity. Unhappily, the opponents of the proposition to change the method of election have allowed this movement to run unchecked without organization or serried opposition. Many have believed that there would come a time when it would check itself and that sober second thought would suffice to kill it. from

the inertia of


its mission, and to pronounce the work of Washington, Hamilton, Madison and

the other illustrious framers and sup porters of the Constitution, a failure. It is time the whole country aroused