Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 22.pdf/567

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Index to Periodicals "

t" in the legislature of New York State. 1'. Russell here writes, in his usual graphic

manner, of the corruption revealed in the

Pittsburg city council. Penology. "Is Punishment a Crime?" By C. J. Whitby, M. D. Hibbert journal, v. 8, p. 850 (July)


the movement in difl'erent countries, points out the evil fate which has befallen many of its leading doctrines, and remorselessly lays bare the hidden weaknesses of a social philosophy which "rests wholly upon a materialistic view of life." See Government.

wnn and Administration. A vigorous plea by an English physician for the reformative as op sed to the retri butive or deterrent idea 0 punishment. Public Service Corporation. "How New York Deals with Her Public Service Com panies." By Lyman Beecher Stowe. Ameri can Review of Reviews, v. 42, p. 211 (Aug).

"Probate of

Will without Attestation Clause where Wit nesses are Dead or Absent." By Francis X. Carmody. 22 Bench and Bar 19 (July). Treated from the point of view of New York law.

The two foregoin articles describe the manner in which the glew York Public Service Commissions have administered the Public

world Politicl. “Armaments and Peace." By Excubitor. Fortnightly Review', v. 88, p. 46 (July). To an American, the interminableness of all the discussion of a possible rapport between Germany and Great Britain as to naval policy is truly wonderful. "The Foreign Policy of the United States."

Service Commissions law, and have dealt with


important problems of corporate regulation. A parallel subject is treated in

Review, v. 192, p. 34 (July).

"The Public Service Companies and the People." By Lyman Beecher Stowe. Out look, v. 95, p. 515 (July 9).

"How Wisconsin Regulates Her Public Utilities." By John R. Commons, Professor of Political Economy in the University of Wisconsin. American Review of Reviews, v. 42,





Miscellaneous Articles of Interest lo the Legal Profession Biography.





p. 215 (Aug).

By Sydney Brooks.

See Rate Regulation. Bate Regulation. "The Remedy of the Law." By Charles Edward Russell. Hamp ton’s, v. 25, p. 217 (Aug).

(Aug) This brilliant account, written in Sydney Brooks‘ most able st le, brings out a number of interesting facts a t the personal charac ter of England's King. Liberia. “The United States and Liberia." By Roland P. Falkner. 4 American journal of International Law 529 (July). A sketch of our past relations with Liberia and an outline of a program likely to be hel ful

Real Property. "The Rule in Re Cobbold." By J. Brook Richardson. 26 Law Quarterly

Reviau 239 (July). Re Cobbold (2 Ch., . 299), decidedin 1903, lays down a rule whic is difficult to reconcile with the doctrine of other English cases as to the proper form for a conveyance divesting the vested interests of unborn heirs. See Legal History.

McClure's, v. 35, p. 447

to that country, by the chairman of


year's American Commission to Liberia. militarism. “The Moral Equivalent of War." By William James. McClure's, v. 35,

"conveyances by Reference to a Plan.’I p. 463 (Aug). By A. E. Randall.

26 Law Quarterly Review

268 (July). Socialism. "Socialism. II, Its Present Position and Future Prospects." Quarterly Review, v. 213, no. 424, p. 160 (July). Second and final installment, following that in the April number of the same review (see 22 Green Bag 348). The author is of the opinion that recent socialism is charac terized by the following features: (1) its wide international range; (2) the effective participation of the working classes; and (3) with certain exceptions, a growing reliance on political action, accompanied b the growth of litical strength. He sane y and minutely 'scusses the various programs of

Professor James proposes, in place of mili tary conscription, a conscription for the battle against the forces of nature, which would "preserve in the midst of a acific civilization the manly virtues whic the military party is so afraid of seeing disappear in peace. ' Red Cross. “The Sanitary Commission— The Red Cross.” By George W. Davis. 4 American journal of International Law 546

(July) A history of the organizations going by the name of the Red Cross. Slave Trade. "The Slave Trade in the

Spanish Colonies of America: The Assiento."