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The Legal World before the students of the Maine School of Law in May.

University of

Francello G. Jillson of Providence, R. I.,

has been chosen Judge of the Municipal Court at Providence to fill the place made vacant b the death of Judge Jose h E. Spink. e was for three years spea r of the lower house of the legislature. A dinner was given in honor of Justice Arno King of Ellsworth, Me., by the members of the Androscoggin County Bar, at Auburn, Me, Mag 18, at the close of the April term of the upreme Court over which Justice King presided. This was Justice Kin ‘s first term in Androsco gin County since is ap pointment to the upreme bench. Mr. Justice Harlan of the Su reme Court of the United States reached is seventy seventh birthday on June 2. He has been a gustice for nearly thirty-three years, and if e lives two years more he will have served longer than any man who ever sat upon the bench of the Supreme Court. He has lately said that he has no thought of retiring. The Vermont State Bar Association gave a banquet at Montpelier on May 24 in honor of the seventy-fifth birthday of Chief Justice ohn W. Rowell of the Supreme Court, Hon. iames M. Tyler of Brattleboro and Hon. H. H. cwers of Morrisville,


Hall, New York, on “The Law in Relation

to Labor Unions," under the auspices of the Fordham University School of Law. Mr. Littlefield said that of the injunctions granted by the federal courts in recent years, 94 per cent did not concern labor controversies. Only one state in the union, California, he

said, had pronounced the boycott right and roper as a weapon in labor controversies. e praised President Taft for making, as a federal judge, "some of the ablest decisions on unions and industrial combinations now found in the books."

,Bar Association: The fourteenth annual meeting of the Indiana Bar Association will be held at Indianapolis, July 6 and 7. The annual meeting of the North Dakota Bar Association has been postponed from September I and 2 to September 8 and 9, 1910, in order to enable members to attend

the meeting of the American Bar Association. The Oregon Bar Association, at an ad journed session held May 17, approved the resolutions in favor of a nonpartisan judi ciary previously adopted b the Multnomah Bar Association. These reso utions were advo cated before both bodies by Judge Martin L. Pipes.

who were formerly

associated with Justice Rowell on the Supreme Bench. Among the guests resent was Jus tice Wendell P. Stafiord of ashington, D. C., a former Vermont judge.

The lawyers of Adams, North Adams and Williamstown, Mass, met on une 3 and organized the North Berkshire ar Associa— tion on June 3, with these officers: president, John E. Magenis of North Adams; vice

Mr. Chief Justice Fuller has decided to retire from the United States Supreme Court soon after the October term opens, according




McPeck of


secretary and treasurer, James O'Hallaran of North Adams.

to a despatch in the Portland (Me) Argus,

which says that he has yielded to the repeated nrgings of his friends that he ought to enjo for the remainder of his life the leisure which he has so well earned.

He wishes, however,

to see both the Standard Oil and the American Tobacco Co. cases decided before his retire ment. His honor will be seventy-eight years old next February.

The Mississippi Bar Association held its annual meeting at Natchez, Miss, May 3-5. The president's address was delivered by Dr. T. H. Somerville of Oxford, and Judge Wilson E. Hemingway of Little Rock gave the annual address, his sub‘ect being "Reminiscences of

the Practice of aw in Mississippi." The fol lowin papers were read: "Uniformity of Le 's ation," by Hon. W. O. Hart of New

Or eans; “The Unequal Application of Our

PenonaF-Tbe Bar


The death of King Edward VII. occurred on May 7, and George V. was proclaimed King two days later. It may not be generally known that King Edward was actually a barrister, having been called to the bar as Prince of Wales in 186i at the Middle Temple, long holding the office of a bencher of the Inn. George V. is also a member of the English bar, being a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn. The new King is said long to have been a serious student of the Constitution.






The annual meeting of the Louisiana. Bar Association was held at Baton Rouge, La,

May 20-—2l. Resolutions were adopted asking the legislature to increase the salaries of the judges and district attorneys, directing a raising of the standard of qualifications of applicants for admission to the bar, and appointing a committee of seven to examine the work of the civil and criminal codes com mission.

Former Congressman Charles E. Little field delivered a lecture May 12 in Carnegie


In his annual address,


Randolph gave an illuminating resumé of the work 0 Congress, and advocated the adop~