Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 22.pdf/437

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Index to Periodicals that to grant the railways some increase in freight rates in partial compensation of the shrunken commodity value of their earnings would not mean oppression of the consumer, or even savor of it.‘

in his neighborhood? Is he in active ractice? What are the facts as to his health What was the real truth about this or another episode of his career? Is he a college gradu ate? (This is always an early question.) A man of general culture, breadth of view?"

William Bayard Hale writes in the World's Work for June of President Taft's interest in the filling of judicial ofiices. "He was wrestling, during my week in Washin n, with the a pointment of four or five fe eral 'udges. legations and candidates from exas, northern Ohio, Maryland, come and . The President impresses it upon all that

That the influence of the Southern Pacific Railroad in California litics has been sinister is the theme 0 Charles Edward Russell's article in the one Hampton's on “Scientific Corruption 0 Politics." We are told that it is this influence which "stopfii the raft rosecution in San Francisco; t t

g: desires and seeks but one thin, namely,


the best man who can be found an rsuaded to take the place. He asks many irect and searching questions. Does the sug ested candidate stand at the head of his pro ession

escape; that defeated Francis . Heney at the polls; and morally this is the influence responsible for the hand that tried to assassi nate him."






Index to Periodicals ,flrlicles on Topics of Legal Science

and Related Subjects "Act of State." "The ‘Act of. State’ Doc trine." By Howard Thayer Kingsbury. 4 American journal of International Law 359 (Apr.). "Common Law and the Adjudication. Common Man.” By Herbert Pope. 5 Illi nois Law Review 22 (May). An earnest plea that judges shall look be yond the actual issues arising from the special circumstances of the controversies brought before them, and lay down general rules which will enable the common man more readily to ascertain the state of the law. Admiralty. “How the Great Lakes Became ‘High Seas,’ and Their Statutes Viewed from the standpoint of International Law." By Harry E. Hunt. 4 American journal of International Law 285 (Apr.). Treats of admiralty jurisdiction over the Great Lakes, their ownership, and ii hts of

navigation, wrecking, fishing, crimina juris diction, etc. "American Corpus Juris." “The Next Great Step in Jurisprudence." By J. DeWitt Andrews. 19 Yale Law journal 485 (May). Dr. Andrews, with Mr. Lucien Hugh Alex ander of Philadelphia and Dean George W. Kirchwey of Columbia Law School, is one of the authors of the plan for the proposed state ment of the American corpus juris, presented in the Green Bag for February, 1910. For an abstract of this article see p. 405 supra. British Constitution. See Government.

Carriers. “Contract Limitations of the Common Carrier's Liability." By Edwin C. Goddard. 8 Michigan Law Review 531 (May). Codification. “Codification in the Philip pines." By Charles S. Lobingier, Judge of the Court of First Instance. 10 journal of Comparative Legislation, pt. 2, p. %9 (Apr.). Treating of the situation as regards the proposed unification of the Civil and Commer cial Codes, and showing to what extent the

work of the Commissioners of Uniform State Laws has been utilized in the Philippines. See “American Corpus juris." Comparative Jurisprudence. "The Unifica tion of Law." By the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Kennedy. 10 journal of Comparative Legis lation, pt. 2, p. 212 (Apr.).

The author discusses the prospects of the unification of law throughout the civilized world, and incidentally pleads for the study of Roman law as part of the intellectual train ing desirable for entrance into the profession. "French Law Within the British Empire; III, Points of Departure." By Mr. Justice Wood Renton. 10 journal of Comparative Legislation, pt. 2, p. 250 (Apr.). See Codification, Legislation, Marriage and Divorce, Roman Law.

Conspiracy. See Monopolies. Contracts. See Carriers. Corporations. “The Conclusiveuess of Judg ments Against Corporations on Their Members in Assessment Proceedings." By Albert S. B olles. 19 Yale Law journal 533 (May).