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The Green Bag

tween the hostile social groups which mold NEW BOOKS RECEIVED public opinion, and belittles the strife within RECEIPT of the following new books, the social organism, when he declares with which will be reviewed later, is acknowl misguided optimism that in morals men edged :— are all practically unanimous, and when Transfer Tax Law of the State of New York. he implies that our common morality is ByThe George W. McElroy, of the Orange County Bar. not a battlefield of perpetual strife. He also Matthew Bender & Co.. Albany, N. Y. 2d ed. Pp. xlii, 595, -(-appendix and index 167. (16.) entertains a kind of pathetic fallacy re Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Meeting garding nature when he speaks of "the of the New York State Bar Association, held at Buffalo January 19, 28-29, 1909. The Argus Com mechanical cosmos" as "man's hereditary Albany. V. 32. Pp vi. 706. enemy." Nor can one accept his explanation pany, Readings on American Federal Government. that a disagreement between two individuals Edited by Paul S. Reinsch, Professor of Political Science in the University of Wisconsin. Ginn & with regard to a question of moral conduct, Co.. Boston. Pp. xii, 845 + index 4. ($2.95 post to be settled in accordance with justice and paid.) A Treatise on the Business Corporation Law of sound morals, requires simply the exclusion the State of New York. By Thomas Gold Frost, of personal or party considerations and re LL.D., PhD., of the New York City Bar. Matthew spectful attention "to the deliberate judg Bender & Co., Albany Pp. xviii, 796 + forms and 272, +index 29. ($6.30 delivered.) ment of any rational minded individual." precedents Legislative and Judicial History of the Fifteenth Suppose that the first "rational minded indi Amendment. By John Mabry Mathews, Fellow in Political Science. Being series xxvii, nos. 6-7, vidual" encountered is an astute villain? of University Studies in Historical and Political In spite of these defects, however. Dr. Science. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. Pp. x, Perry has given us a readable and charming 116. ($1.) The Mining Law of Canada. By Alfred B. essay; charming not only because of its Morine, K.C., LL.B., of the Bar of Nova Scotia, striking literary beauty, but also because of Newfoundland, and Ontario Canada Law Book the delightful clearness with which he eluci Co., Toronto; Cromarty Law Book Co., Phila Pp. xxxvii, 349, + statutes 314, + glossary dates new truths, and restates with astonish delphia. and index 37. Modern Constitutions: A Collection of the Funda ing originality old ones. An admirable Laws of Twenty-two of the Most Important quality of penetrating discernment is every mental Countries of the World, with Historical and Bibliwhere beautifully in evidence. The dryness ogaphical Notes. By Walter Fairleigh Dodd. of the ethical treatise is lacking because of the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, v. 1, pp. 351; v. 2, pp. xiv, 312+index 20. ($5.42 extraordinary fertility of the author's ideas, xxiii, postpaid.) A Digest of the Bankruptcy Decisions under the and because of an irresistible energy which is National Bankruptcy Act of 1898, reported in the not only stimulating, but inspiring. The book American Bankruptcy Reports, Volumes 15 to 20 is in many respects well executed, and one inclusive (1906-1909). By Melvin T. Bender and J. Hinman, of the Albany, N. Y., Bar. V. 2. desirable to add to even the most carefully Harold Matthew Bender & Company, Albany, N. Y. selected library of ethical literature. Pp. xiii, 393 + table of cases 61. ($4.)