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THE GREEN BAG ever faithful and devoted wife, Amelia Loretta L. Youngs, to have and control everything I possess." — New York Times. Obliviscence. — Just once, after he had been on the stand continuously for many hours, the great financier lost his temper, and retorted with an angry answer. "I'm afraid you forget that you are a gentleman," observed counsel. The rebuke struck home. The witness winced .visibly. But he was not unwilling to justify himself. "Where one is called on to forget so many things, all at once, one becomes confused, you know," he stammered. — Life. No General Settlement in this Case. —• Wickliffe Matthews, the San Francisco lawyer, tells the following: A case came on for trial for the recovery of rents for the occupation of a house, which were unpaid. After the plaintiff had proved his case and rested, Michael McGrath, at torney for the defendant, in making his open ing statement to the jury said: — "The defense in this case is, that the premises are not fit for human habitation. The house is old, and in poor condition, the posts of the back porch rotted, and the west corner gone down, the front porch sunk, the dining-room floor lower on one side than on

the other, the roof about to fall in, and in fact, everything about the house is old, delapidated, and settled." The plaintiff's attorney here interrupted. "There is something about the house that has not settled." "What's that? " said Mr. McGrath. "Why the defendant has not settled for the rent." And the jury so found. The Law and the Gospel. — The following colloquy concluded a trial in Worcester County of a traveling evangelist for nonsupport of his wife. "I am now in the tribunal of justice. My fate I leave in the hands of the Lord and this court." "' He who provides not for his own house hold and denies the faith is worse than an infidel,' the scripture says," said Judge Utley. "Jesus says — " said Fenner. "Fined $20," said Judge Utley. Insanity. — " Can an insane person make a valid contract?" The question, so simple, could hardly be supposed to warrant a commentative reply; yet a student in a Southern law school an swered it thus: "He can get married."