Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 16.pdf/870

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Student Rows of Oxford, occupies Europe, practically occupies the Americas, is colonizing Australia, and is dominating Asia. In the struggle for ex istence, the White race had unquestionably come out on top." (pp. 95-96.) Accepting these conclusions, Mr. Rhodes asks, "what is the ultimate aim of this evo lution?" '"What/ he asked, 'is the highest thing in the world? Is it not the idea of Justice? I know none higher. Justice be tween man and man, equal, absolute, im partial; that surely must be the first note


Mr. Rhodes had no hesitation in arriving at the conclusion that the English-speaking man, whether British, American, Australian, or South African, is the type of the race which does now, and is likely to continue to do in the future, the most practical, effective work to establish justice, to promote lib erty, and to ensure peace over the widest possible area of the planet. "'Therefore,' said Mr. Rhodes to himself, 'if there be a God, and he cares anything about what I do, I think it is clear he would


of perfected society. Secondly, there must be Liberty, for without freedom there can be no justice. . . . And the third note of the ultimate, toward which our race is blending, must surely be that of Peace, the industrial commonwealth as opposed to the military clan or fighting Empire. . . . Justice, Liberty, Peace, these three!1 (P- 97-) "Which race in the world most promotes, over the widest possible area, a state of society having these three as corner stones?

like me to do what he is doing Himself. As he is manifestly fashioning the Englishspeaking race as a chosen instrument by which he will bring in a chosen state of society, based upon Justice, Liberty and Peace, he must obviously wish me to do as much as I can, to give as much scope and power to that race as possible. Hence, if there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is to paint as much of the map of Africa red as possible, and to do what I can elsewhere to promote the unity