Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 16.pdf/83

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The Green Bag.

THE late Chief Justice Caleb Baldwin of Iowa weighed 400 pounds and was the largest man who ever .held public office .in the State. A story is related in regard to the first meeting of the State Agricultural Society, the attendance being small, when the secretary, Dr. J. M. Shaffer asked Judge (then Colonel) Clagget, the first president: "What shall I say, Colonel, about the meet ing, through the press?" "Well", said the Colonel in his impulsive manner, publish to the world at large that a large and respect able meeting was held." "Why," said the doctor, "isn't that stretching it a little?" "Not at all," fesponded the president, "for Baldwin makes it large and you and I make it respectable. " And so the report was worried.

THE annual dinners of the Middlesex (Mas sachusetts) Bar Association are always pro ductive of interesting legal literature. The menu this year contained the following verses: Tonight the members of our Bar again in union dine, Here where bright merriment abounds, o'er brimming cups of wine. Each year these friendships, waxing strong, around this festive board Bring scire facias whereby the judgment is restored. And while coram non judice you share these lawful joys, Right merrily you talk and sing, and act again like boys— Old boys, perhaps, in age and form, but vet without a mayhem— Freed from all wasting cares, with kindred hearts aflame. Make common cause of Jollity, treat Bacchus as an aide— /. e., a little something take besides a lemon ade. Dear brethren of the legal faith, who hold the law in fee,

Disdain the thought that to this place, you've come just for a spree. Look! See how victors from the fray, these Nestors of the Bar— E. g., our President, Sam H. (he's not the only star)— Swear in all ways they will themselves in virtue strong intrench, Eschew all foolish precedents, and ever shun the Bench; Xactly as a maiden old cries out against the dance,— "Coarse vanity and idle show": she never had a chance! Old time lawyers in Middlesex, in effort and in worth Unfailing, strong, have been replaced by those of later birth. Not now less than in former days, the leaders of this Bar Teach, in their practice of the law, what manly virtues are. Yes, let all to their lead be true, surpass it, if one can, S(s) trive hard as they, as nobly, too, and ever act the man! On the meaning of those final ssss Many persons have bestowed their guesses, But Saliitamns say the Muses, And further lines each one refuses. CHIEF JUSTICE QUIÑONES of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico was the leading lawyer practising before the court over which he now presides. He was at the same time very fond of the national sport of cock fighting, and had the best string of cocks in the island. It was customary to designate the cocks by their colors, to wit: giro, canaguey, and others. The word giro also means a bank draft. On one occasion a client at Guayama was a little slow, and the counsellor wrote, demanding his fee, and received a telegram saying that he would send a draft (giro) the next day, which was the day of trial. To this the counsellor replied by wire, Si no viene el giro no pelea cl canaguey." Which may be