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International A rbitration.


a still broader field of judicial inquiry is that task has already been ably and lucidly performed by others. opened tip, such as the authority and manner of presenting claims, the nationality or citi It is especially gratifying to us as Ameri zenship of the claimant, the domicil, the for- | cans to know that our government was the feiture of national protection, who are first to show its faith in the efficacy and "authorities," what constitutes a denial of utility of The Hague Court by resorting to justice, what are forced loans, how far cases it, with our neighboring republic of Mexico, of voluntary contract are cognizable, respon for the settlement of a question of long sibility for damages to private property by standing diplomatic controversy. The result war, the measure of damages, whether in of that trial has encouraged us to continue to terest should be allowed, and many other resort to it, and it has had a salutary influ questions, some of which are in common ence on other of the signatory powers. We with our domestic courts. The various tri were a second time gratified at that action bunals or commissions have been by no of our government, when President Roose means uniform in the rules laid down on velt was asked by the three powers—Ger these subjects, and yet, notwithstanding the many, Great Britain and Italy—to arbitrate conflict of decisions, a system of general their differences with Venezuela. In place principles may be evolved which will prove of accepting the responsible trust so flatter useful in future arbitrations. ing to his impartiality, he courteously de clined and referred them to the Court at The great event of all time in respect to The Hague which had by them and us been international arbitration was The Hague created for just such cases. Peace Conference of 1899. The Convocation It was a memorable event which testifies of the representatives of all the considerable to the progress of the world in the apprecia powers of the earth was mainly for other tion oí reason as against force, when thost purposes, but arbitration was the chief prac powerful nations stopped their warlike opera tical result of its deliberations. I am sup ported in the statement by one of the mem tions against a weak foe, recalled their bers of that body that when the invitation navies, and agreed to submit their claims to arbitration commissions and to refer to The to the Peace Conference was issued thought Hague Tribunal the essential questions in ful observers, at least in this country and in volved in the conflict. The peace-loving England, recognized at once that the estab world will await with the keenest interest lishment of a permanent court of arbitration the decision of the question to be decided by was the one important achievement which that Tribunal, to wit, whether nations can by was within the reach of that historic gather a resort to war secure a preferential treat ing. The same authority states that the ment in justice and in equity for their claims American representatives regarded it as the over nations which pursue a peaceful method one end of their endeavors, for which they of adjustment. Whatever may be the deci would have sacrificed almost anything else. sion, the spectacle of the congregation at Happily their efforts were successful, and, one time at The Hague of almost all the as a result in large measure of their advo leading nations of Europe and several of cacy of it, the nations there represented those of the American hemisphere for the united in the organization of The Hague Per settlement of their differences by argument manent Court of Arbitration. It is not nec and reason, will not fail to have a salutarv essary for me to enter upon the details of effect. And it is a matter of just pride to us that this result was brought about by the the history and functions of this court, as