Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 15.pdf/470

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A Centiiry of Federal Judicatîire. San Francisco Railway Company f. Kills, 16; ih. 150; St. Louis?'. Western Union Telegraph Company, 148 ih. 92; Brown v. State of New Jersey, 175.»/*. 172; L'Hote 7-. New Orleans, 277//', 587; McCullough 7/. Commonwealth of Virginia, 172 it, 102; Blake v. McClung, 176 ih. 59; At<-h:nson, Topeka and Sante Fe Railroad Company r. Mathews, 174 ib. 96- Trinity Church г: united States, 143 il>. 457: Hnllins т. Coal Company, 150 if. 371; Fong Vue Tii g r. Uniled States,


well Land Giant Company, 26 ib. 18; State 7'. Walruff, 26 ib. 178; McElroy r. Kansas City, 21 ib. 257; How ard r. Denver and Kio Grande Railway, 26 ib. 837. In the Supreme Court of Kansas: State •-. Nehama Company, 7 Kansas 549: Munro 7j. May, 9 ih. 460; Wright r. Noell, 16 /Л. 466: The Prohibitory Amend ment Cases, 24 ih. 700: Tht- Intoxicating Liquor Cases, ih. 75: lu re Hüllen, 26 ih. 781; Chapsxy 7'. Wood 26 ih 650; State r'. Mugler 29 ih. --52.

MR. JUSTICE BROWN 149 ib. 698: Union 1'acific Railway Company -•, Bots íord, 141 it>. 250; United States?•. Rio Grande Com pany, 174 ib. 690; Fairbanks -. United States, 181 ih. 283; Cotting 7'. Kansas City Stock Yards, 183 ih. 79: Angle 7r. Chicago, etc. Railroad Company, 151 ih.; Lowndes 7'. Huntington, 153 ih. : Louisville and Nash ville Railroad Company?. Kubank, 184 ih. 27. In the United States Circuit Court: State т. Wal .ruff, 26 Federal Reporter 178: United States?. Max-

MR. JUSTICE BROWN: Covington Bridpe Company r. State of Kentucky, 154 U. S. 204: The Caledonia, 157 ib. 40; Brown r. Wa'ker. 161 ih. 591; I.awton т. Stuele, 152 ih. 133; T'lt Elfriia, 172 if>. 181; The Adula, 176 ib. 361; '1 he Barbed Wire Patent, 143 ib. 28: Westinghouse 7. Boyden Power Brake Company, 170 ih. 574; De Lima 7-. Hidwell, 182 ih. i; Downes v. Bidwtll, 182 ib. 246; United States r. Rodgers, 150 ih. 249; Cleveland, etc.