Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 15.pdf/411

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The Green Bag.

eign ruler, though governing under the au thority of religion, as signified by the cross. This ceremony over, the Pope proceeds towards the high altar, the people shouting: "Ewiva il Papa Re!" ("Long live the PopeKing!") Another stop is made at the throne in the Gregorian Chapel to allow the ambassadors

first apostolic benediction. The devout greet him with cries of loyalty and joy. The cardinals, prelates and bishops put on their white copes, while canons chant suitable an thems in the choir. The pontiff now washes his hands four times, and the gay-colored vesture is changed for white, the emblem of purity.


of the nations represented, and the heredi tary princes-assistant, to take their places, while cardinals, in scarlet, and prelates in purple, do their homage. The cardinals kiss the pontiff's ring, the prelates the cross upon the ends of the stole, which rest on his knees. From this throne the Pope imparts his

The whole act is symbolic, for it shows that with clean hands and a pure heart he is able to go to the altar. On his way to the altar, his raiment, glittering with gems and bright jewels, the master of ceremonies goes before him and holds before his eyes a huge salver on which are miniature castles, palaces and objects of worldly splendor, cunningly made