Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 09.pdf/407

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The Green Bag.

THE agrarian and financial agitation through which the country has been passing for the past fewyears has been but a repetition of the troubles which confronted our government at the close of the Revolu tion. The same spirit of discontent witnessed to day prevailed in 1786, among the farmers of NewEngland, and gave rise to what is known as Shays' Rebellion. The events of those stirring times have been embodied in an interesting and dramatic story entitled Captain Shays, a Populist of 1786. ' The author gives an historically accurate account of the rebellion, and at the same time offers the reader one of the most delightful stories of old New England which it has been our good fortune to read. ALL those who are interested in our early colonial history will find Mr. Hilton's new book, entitled In Buff and nine', well worth the reading, and those who care less for history and more for romance, will much enjoy the pretty little love story which is inter woven with the sterner realities of war and its drilling and fighting. It is a curious confirmation of the say ing that men's minds " run in the same channel," that the hero of " In Buff and Blue " goes to the Meschianza, the large ball given in honor of Gen. Howe on the eighteenth of May, in disguise, and in the June installment of "Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker," the serial by S. Weir Mitchell, running in the " Century," his hero also goes to this ball in disguise. These two accounts must have been published almost simul taneously in Boston and New York. • CAPTAIN SHAYS, a Populist of 1786. By George R. R. Rivers. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1897. Cloth. - IN BUFF AND BLUE, Being Certain Portions from the Diary of Richard Hilton, Gentleman of Haslet's Regiment of Dela ware Foot in our ever glorious War of Independence. By George Brydges Rodney. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1897. Price, $1.25.

NEW LAW-BOOKS. THE GENERAL DIGEST. American and English. Vol. II, new series. The Lawyer's Co-Opera tive Publishing Co., Rochester, N.Y. The publishers have met with the general appro bation of the legal profession in the new departure which they have taken in this Digest. The change made may be summed up as follows : — The semi-monthly becomes quarterly; the annual becomes semi-annual; and the bound book is limited to ( i ) officially reported cases and (2) cases not to be officially reported. These reasons, as given by the publishers are: (l) twenty-four small pamphlets a year are inconvenient; (2) the book has become too large, and must become still larger unless divided; and (3) the quarterly parts being convenient and prompt, the permanent book may defer not officially reported cases until the official reports can be cited, except those not to be officially reported at all. The quarterly parts contain all American and English re ported cases cited where first published; the perma nent semi-annual books contain officially reported cases, cited wherever published officially and unoffi cially. In its new form the " General Digest" seems to leave nothing to be desired. THE ANNUAL ON THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. Vol. IV, 1895. Edited by Tilghman E. Ballard and Emerson E. Ballard. The Ballard Pub. Co., Crawfordsville, Ind., 1897. This series of Annuals is a complete compendium of Real Estate Law, and is a valuable aid to all law yers whose practice embraces litigation involving questions regarding Realty. The cases are selected with evident care and discrimination and cover almost every point likely to arise.