Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 08.pdf/30

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Hymn to Justice. III. Great souls have gazed upon thy loveliness From Wisdom's heights; and when the vision rapt Had sure unfolded what thou would'st have kept As Right inviolate, that did they press On Man's observance with supremest stress. We hear thy note in Vedic song, The Prophets burn with hate of wrong, And Plato's trump thy wondrous message swept Throughout the Pagan world for aye! And so we children of to-day Upon the corner-stone of old Would fain uprear another Age of Gold! IV. Imperial Rome first signalled thy return When she promulged that mighty code of laws Which breathes thy savour in its every clause, And sets thy seal on Earth's remotest bourn. O, they are blind who cannot now discern The dawn of a new jural reign, When thou shalt live with men again; When only he shall win the world's applause Who yields his brother truth and right, And mirrors in his life thy light; When all the surging waves of Hell Shall break in vain on thy strong citadel! V. O Goddess, Essence, whatsoe'er thou art, Let the glad ptean thrill our wistful ear : "Astnca Redux! Once more is Justice here To make her lodgment in the human heart, Nor from that loved abode to e'er depart!" Ah! this is what Man long has sought, The end for which his laws have wrought, The goal and crown of all the soul hold dear. Come, then, and bring us sweet surcease From wrongs that long have slain our peace; Come, and the day millennial bring — Come usher in the reign of Christ the King! Ottawa, Canada.