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Editorial Department.

is in every respect as exhaustive as the most exacting practitioner could demand. An interesting and val uable feature is the annotation, with all the Federal decisions relating to their construction, of the Equity Rule of United States Supreme Court, and their Amendments. Mr. Gould has also given special at tention to the Equity side of the Code procedure prevailing in a majority of the States. That the profession will fully appreciate the value of this new edition, there can be no doubt. While there have been other good works on the subject of Equity, Pleading and Practice, " Daniell's " treatise has always been recognized as the " fountain head," and in our opinion it will long continue to be. American Electrical Cases. Vol. I. A col lection of all the important cases (excepting Patent cases) decided in the State and Fed eral Courts of the United States, on subjects relating to The Telegraph, the Telephone, Electric Light and Power, and other prac tical uses of Electricity. Edited by William W. Morrill. Matthew Bender, Albany, N Y., 1894. Law sheep. £6.00, net. Electricity has attained an importance in litigation during the last few years which entitles it to special consideration at the hands of our law-book writers, and this new series of Reports of Cases bearing upon the subject will prove of great value to the pro fession. The present volume covers a period of thirteen years, from 1873 to Jan. 1, 1886, and con tains 155 complete reports, and memoranda of over thirty additional cases. During the past nine years the increase of cases has been such that the Editor esti mates it will require four more volumes to cover the time to Jan. 1. 1895, and that after that time a vol ume a year will contain all the principal cases. The series is one that will be frequently consulted by every practising lawyer, and should find its way into every public and private law library.


and troublesome subject, while to architects and builders it will give a very clear understanding of their responsibilities and liabilities. Mr. Clark's ex perience as an architect eminently fits him for the preparation of such a treatise, and he has accom plished his task in a most thorough and systematic manner. The catch lines are printed in distinct type upon the margin of each page, as are also the names of cases to which reference is made in the text. Altogether the work is a notable addition to legal and architectural literature and the author is entitled to the thanks of the two professions. The American State Reports. Vol. XXXVIII. Containing the cases of general value and authority decided in the courts of last resort of the several States. Selected, reported and annotated by A. C. Freeman. Bancroft-Whit ney Co., San Francisco, 1894. Law sheep. S4. We can add nothing to the many words of praise we have already bestowed upon this series of reports. Admirable selections of cases and valuable and ex haustive annotations still characterize Mr. Freeman's work, and each new volume is fully up to the high standard of its predecessors. No lawyer of extensive practice can afford to be without these Reports. Trial Procedure. A Treatise on Procedure in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Trial Courts of Record under the Civil Codes of all the States and Territories. By John C. Fitnam. West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn., 1894. Law sheep. $6.oo net. The object of this work is to point out to young and inexperienced practitioners " what to do in procedure from the initiator^' state in an action or pro ceeding, step by step, through its various stages : how to do it correctly; and what not to do, because improper.??Ir. Fitnam has devoted much study and careful research to the preparation of the work, and it should prove a valuable aid not only to " inexperi enced practitioners " but also to the veterans of the bar.

Architect, Owner and Builder Before the Law. A Summary of American and English decisions on the principal questions relating to building and the employment of Architects, A Treatise upon the Law of Pleading. Under the Codes of Civil Procedure of the States of with about eight hundred references. In New York, Connecticut, North Carolina, South cluding also practical suggestions in regard to Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin, the Drawing of Building Contracts, and Forms Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, of Contracts suited to Various Circumstances. By T. M. Clark, Fellow of the American In ♦ Nebraska, California, Nevada, Oregon, Colo rado, Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, stitute of Architects. Macmillan & Co., New Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and the Territories York, 1894. Cloth. $3.00. of Arizona and Utah. By Philemon Bliss, LL.D. This work will prove a valuable aid and assistant Third EDrnoN, revised and annotated by to the legal profession upon an exceedingly technical