Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 06.pdf/425

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The Green Bag.

will is to run the Bisness if it pays him and i think it will Misses R gits ten dolars as a preusent Kate B gits five Ela B gits two and the rest to be dividet equall among the three two Brothers and sister or thare ares is eney thing left for them i dont want youance to quarl and to tight about it and git noting do it up in pes and good will and stay fronds i almost for god my girl magie I! is to have ten dolares she was my girl and so i will Close Daniel B seal We the under sined agnalage thahat Dannel 11 was in his sound mind and have seen him sine his name J R K & Christ R


A Treatise on thk Law- of Torts in obligations arising from civil wrongs in the common law. By Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. New Am erican, from third English edition. Elabor ated with notes and references to American cases. By James Avery Webb of the Memphis Bar. The F. H. Thomas Law Book Co., St. Louis, 1894. I^aw sheep. S5.oo. Pollock on Torts has long been recognized by the profession, iruboth England and America, as a work of great mem, one displaying a vast amount of re search on the part of its distinguished author, and remarkable for its clear and succinct exposition of the principles of this important branch of the law. An American edition will be warmly welcomed by stu dents and practicing lawyers. Mr. Webb has not altered the text and notes of the author, but has add ed such notes and references as seemed pertinent. The agreement or disagreement of the English and American authorities is generally mentioned in the editor's notes, and where they are not in harmony the points of difference are specified and brieflv dis cussed. This new edition is a valuable addition to

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