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The Green Bag.

facilities for work of this nature, and the series will undoubtedly prove eminently satisfactory to the profession. Commentaries on Modern Equity Jurispru dence as determined by the courts and statutes of England and the United States. By Charles Fisk Beach, Jr., of the New York Bar. Baker, Voorhis & Co., New York, 1892. Two vols. Law sheep. $12.00 net. This treatise is intended by Mr. Beach to be a working-book for lawyers, and from the limited ex amination we have been able to make of it it seems admirably adapted to the purpose. Eschewing in a great measure the less important of the older cases upon the subject, Mr. Beach cites and discusses all the recent cases found in our Stale and Federal Reports and in the English Law Reports, so that the work is essentially, as its title states, a treatise on Modern Equity. As Sir George Jessel aptly remarks: " If we want to know what the rules of equity are, we must ' look, of course, rather to the more modern than the more ancient cases." This is the idea which Mr. Beach has attempted to develop. The book is a complete and practical treatise along modern lines, giving the principles and practice of equity as they are to-day. Over fifteen thousand cases are cited, as well as articles from American and English periodicals touching upon the subject. The work is not only exceedingly useful for the prac tising lawyer, but is well adapted to the law student's need. It will add to Mr. Beach's well-earned repu tation as a legal writer. The American State Reports, containing the cases of general value and authority decided in the Courts of Last Resort of the several States. Selected, reported, and annotated by A. C. Freeman. Vol. XXVI. Bancroft-Whitney Com pany, San Francisco, 1892. Law sheep. $4.00 net. This last volume of this series of reports is in every way up to the standard of its predecessors. Well-selected cases, admirably annotated, give fresh evidence of Mr. Freeman's faithful and conscientious work. The cases reported include decisions in the following States: Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Loui siana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jer sey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, and West Virginia. The American Digest (Annual 1892), being Vol. VI. of the United States Digest, Third Se ries Annuals, also the complete Digest for 1892.

A Digest of all the decisions of the United States Supreme Court, all the United States Circuit and District Courts, the Courts of Last Resort of all the States and Territories, and the Inter mediate Courts of New York State, Pennsyl vania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Colorado, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, etc., as reported in the " National Reporter System " and elsewhere from Sept. 1, 1891, to Aug. 31, 1892. With notes of Eng lish and Canadian cases, memoranda of stat utes, annotations in legal periodicals, etc. A table of the cases digested, and a table of cases overruled, criticised, followed, distinguished, etc., during the year. West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., 1892. Law sheep. #8.00. If anything is lacking in this vast tome of over 3,000 pages which is essential to the making of a "complete digest," we have failed to discover it. The editorial work is in every way admirable, the arrangement all that could be desired, and the typo graphical work truly refreshing for a volume of this nature. We must congratulate the publishers on the great advance made in this digest since its first pub lication, and are confident that their efforts in behalf of the profession will meet with a hearty response. The Insolyent Laws of Massachusetts, with notes of decisions. By Joseph Cutler. Ed ited with additional notes by Gorham D. Wil liams of the Suffolk Bar. Fifth edition, including the Legislation of 1892 and cases in Vol. CLIV. of the Massachusetts Reports. George B. Reed, Boston, 1892. $3.50. The changes in the Insolvent Laws of Massachu setts since the last edition of this work was published in 1878 have been numerous, and the number of cases adjudicated has been large, so that there was an ac tual need for a new edition. Into the present vol ume have been incorporated thirty-seven new statutes, and all the decisions upon the subject contained in the Massachusetts Reports subsequent to Vol. CXXII. Mr. Williams has made no attempt to change the original form of the work, except to arrange the points decided under the several sections in smaller groups, and to provide a much fuller index. His efforts in this direction show an admirable result, and add greatly to the value of the book Subjects are not only indexed by reference to page, but also by reference to the particular note wherein the point sought for is contained, each note being numbered. Massachusetts lawyers will find this work almost indispensable.