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The Green Bag.

Labor Department," by the Commissioner of La bor Carroll D. Wright, and " Fur Seals in Alaska." Another sonnet of James Russell Lowell's is pub lished in this number, and a poem by Inigo Deane, with a full-page illustration from the pen of Will Low. The June Scribner presents a most delightful table of contents. There is one article, however, which appeals especially to every reader, and that is a wonderfully sympathetic account of " The Drury Lane Boys' Club," London, by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, who has not contributed to any magazine for several years. The remarkable thing about this club is that it originated in the mind of a poor boy himself, who felt the need for such an organization, and who called around him a hand ful of similarly minded poor boys, who met for a time in his mother's cellar, because, as he ex pressed it, " if two or three of us stopped a bit to talk on the street, the policeman came and told us to move on." By the aid of a young man and woman, this club had grown to be more prosper ous, though when it came to Mrs. Burnett's atten tion it was still in very modest quarters. In memory of her own son Lionel, who died not long ago, she recently presented a reading-room to the club.

down to the late affair in Chili. John Hawks Noble presents a concise summary of "The Immi gration Question " as it stands at present. Robert Brown, Jr., gives the salient points in the history of "Tithes in England and Wales." Prof. Ugo Rabbeno of Bologna, Italy, expounds and criti cises "The Landed System of Social Economy," as contained in the works of his fellow-country man, Achille Loria. Ernest W. Clement discusses "Local Self-Government in Japan; " and Prof. A. B. Hart, of Harvard, writes on " The Exercise of the Suffrage."

BOOK NOTICES. A Treatise on the Law of Damages by Cor porations, including Cases Damnum absque Injuria. By George E. Harris, of the Wash ington (D. C.) Bar. The Lawyers' Co-Operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y. 2 vols. Law sheep, $1 1. 00 net.

The June Atlantic opens with a noteworthy article on " The Education of the Negro," by Dr. William T. Harris, Commissioner of Education, which is enriched with comments by eminent Southern gentlemen. There is another instalment of the " Emerson-Thoreau Correspondence," writ ten at the time Mr. Emerson was in Europe, and abounding in passages delightfully characteristic of both writers. Agrippina, a fortunate and aristo cratic cat, is the subject of a charming and very bright essay, by Agnes Repplier. Janet Ross con tributes a very interesting paper of reminiscences of her grandfather, John Austin, one of the great est English writers on jurisprudence, and an asso ciate of Mill, Brougham, etc. The other contents are full of interest, and in every way up to the Atlantic standard.

In this work Mr. Harris gives us much more than the title would seem to demand, — the treatise in fact covering pretty well the whole subject of damages for injuries. This, perhaps, was unavoidable, as the liabilities of corporations and individuals are in the main the same; and it would exercise the ingenuity of a Philadelphia lawyer to draw the line between them in respect to damages. The book, however, will prove a useful and valuable one to the profes sion. Mr. Harris has evidently done his work thor oughly and conscientiously; and the citations include all the important adjudications on the various topics discussed. The scope of the treatise is shown by the following titles of the chapters : Corporations, Definition, Nature, Municipal Liability, Eminent Do main, Damages by Municipal Corporations, High ways, Nuisance, Iujuries by Railroad Corporations, Injuries resulting in Death, Injuries to Children, Master and Servant, Fellow-Servants, Passengers by Land and Water, Baggage, Common Carriers of Freight by Water, Common Carriers of Freight by Land, Common Carriers of Live Animals, Common Carriers over Connecting Lines, Express Companies. Telegraph Companies, Mining Corporations, Banks and Bankers. Gas-Light Companies.

In the Political Science Quarterly for June Prof. John Bassett Moore continues his study of "Asylum in Consulates and Vessels," bringing it

A Treatise on the Law of Contributory Neg ligence, or Negligence as a Defence. By Charles Fisk Beach, Jr., of the New York Bar.