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The Supreme Court of Indiana.


resolution appointed Jones and John Johnson Court library, which contain his name in his to revise and codify the laws; and as a re own writing. sult of this we have the compilation of 1807. Thomas Randolph was the third and Jones became involved in a political quarrel last territorial Attorney-General, succeed with Harrison, probably because he did not ing Parke, Sept. 6, 1808. He was born in receive the appointment as judge of the ter 1 77 1, in Richmond, Va., and was a member ritorial court in 1808 instead of Parke. The of the celebrated Randolph family of that year after his defeat for Congress he went name, — a second cousin of John Randolph to Illinois, and in 18 10 to Missouri. He of Roanoke. He was a graduate of William and Mary's College,

was a member of the and served one term first constitutional con in the Virginia legis vention of that State, lature. He was a and one of the judges protfgt! of Harrison. of the State Supreme Randolph was a fiery Court, which position and impetuous man, a he held until his death friend and promoter in April, 1824. of slavery. At the Gen. Washington battle of Tippecanoe Johnston was another prominent member of he fell a victim to the the bar. He was a carnage of warfare; native of Culpepper and he and Jo Daviess County, Virginia, came are buried side by side, by their friend Waller to Vincennes in 1793, and was the first attor Taylor, on the field of ney at the bar of Knox slaughter. County of whom there It may be remarked is any record. He was parenthetically that one of the original or the salary of the At ganizers of the Ma torney-General was, in sonic Grand Lodge of 1803, §60 per annum, Indiana, in 181 7-18. and in 1808, gioo; He was at first a prowhile the pay of a JEREMIAH SULLIVAN. slavery man, but after judge of the territorial wards changed about; court was $700. and was a member of the first territorial The court sat at Vincennes until 1813, legislature. He was a candidate, on Parke's when the seat of government was moved to . resignation, for Congress, but seems to have Corydon, — the first session there being the had no following; and opposed the division of September term of that year. Indiana and Illinois. In 1808, on the resig The General Court was a court of both nation of Jesse B. Thomas of Illinois, John original and appellate jurisdiction. Appeals ston was elected in his stead Speaker of the lay to it from the Courts of Common Pleas Illinois territorial House of Representatives. and Circuit Courts; and writs of error were In 1809, after a bitter contest, he was again issued by it, running not only to both of elected a Representative, and also in 18 io. these courts, but also to justices of the peace. He superintended the printing of the Acts In a number of instances the court delivered of several sessions of the legislature. A written opinions while sitting in its capacity number of his law-books are in the Supreme as an appellate court, and they have been