Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 04.pdf/212

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Editorial Department.

jects will find two articles appealing particularly to their tastes, — the third and concluding paper by W. A. Coffin, on " American Illustration of To day," with examples of the works of Abbey, Reinhart, Smedley, Frost, Pennell, Bacher, Thulstrup, Pyle, Gibson, Loomis, Sterner, and Van Schaick; anil Mr. Apthorp's second article on " Paris Thea tres and Concerts," — this one having particular application to the Opera, the Opera Comique, and the Conservatoire. The other noteworthy con tents are " The Water Route from Chicago to the Ocean" (illustrated), by Charles C. Rogers; •. Small Country Places," by Samuel Parsons, Jr.; "The Reflections of a Married Man," by Robert Grant; and 11 Speed in Locomotives," by M. N. Forney.


sitions, sketching the history of their rise and pro gressive development, and proving as far as bald statistics can, that the Chicago Fair will surpass all preceding ones. The illustrations accompanying this article display to the readers the architect ural glories of the Fair buildings. Patience Stapleton's story, "The Trailing Yew," is concluded; and Oscar Fay Adams appears with a delightfully amusing and satirical sketch, entitled " An Arch bishop's Unguarded Moment."

BOOK NOTICES. Abridgment of Elementary Law, embodying the General Principles, Rules, and Definitions of Law, together witii the Common Maxims and Rules of Equity Jurisprudence, as stated in the Standard Commentaries of the leading English and American Authors; embracing the subjects contained in a regular . Collected and arranged so as to be more easily acquired by students, comprehended by justices, and readily reviewed by young practitioners. By M. E. Dunlap. Enlarged edition. The F. H. Thomas Law Book Co., St Louis, 1892. Law sheep, $3.00.

The contents of the March Arena are suffi ciently varied to interest all lovers of serious liter ature. The Rev. Minot J. Savage, the eminent liberal divine of Boston, contributes a remarkable paper on psychical research, giving many thrilling stories, for the truth of which he vouches. This paper is as interesting as fiction, although it is pre pared in the interest of science. Prof. Joseph Rhodes Buchanan writes thoughtfully on " Fullorbed Education." Henry Wood contributes a paper of great ability and interest, entitled " Reve lation through Nature." Gen. J. B. Weaver writes on " The Threefold Contention of Industry." This volume is a veritable tnultum in parvo. Of Hamlin Garland describes in his graphic manner a size which easily accommodates itself to one-s the Farmers' Alliance members of the present pocket, it embraces between its covers abridg Congress. This paper is accompanied by nine ments of Hlackstone's Commentaries; Pleadings, photogravures. Hon. Walter Clark, LL.D., Asso including parties to action, and forms of action; the ciatc Justice of the Supreme Court of North Car Law of Evidence; the Law of Contract : Equity olina, furnishes a masterly argument in favor of Jurisprudence: and Suggestions to Law Students, governmental control of the telegraph and tele j As a ready reference book for students, it possesses phone. The other contents are all of much inter much value. The work is not intended as a substitute I for text-books, but is simply designed to lighten the est, and the number as a whole is one of the best I labors and shorten the work of the student in reviewyet issued. ///<; his course of reading preparatory to final examina tion for the bar. Elizabeth Bisland opens the March number of the Cosmopolitan with an article on the Cologne The American State Reports, Vol. XXII., Cathedral, beautifully illustrated from photographs. selected, reported, and annotated by A. C. Adam Badeau, the ex-Consul-General to London, Freeman. Bancroft- Whitney Company, San contributes some personal reminiscences of one of Francisco, 1892. Law sheep. $4.00. the grand dames of England at whose house he was an habituary, under the title of " Strawberry This last volume in this valuable scries of Reports Hill and the Countess Waldergrave." M. H. de is marked by the same care in the selection of cases re Young, Commissioner of the World's Fair from ported which has distinguished its predecessors. Mr. Freeman has a happy faculty of discrimination which California, has a most interesting article on expo