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The Green Bag.


curious to compare it with Mr. Lowell's Japanese papers. Miss Jewett has never done anything better than her description of the return of the Hon. Joseph K. Lanevvay to his native town, Winby. Mr. Parkman contributes the concluding paper on the " Capture of Louisbourg by the New England Militia." Mr. H. C. Merwin's article on the " Ethics of Horse-Keeping " will interest lovers of that animal. Mr. William P. Andrews finishes a second paper on " Goethe's Key to Faust; " and the well-known historian, Mr. George E. Ellis, has a paper on " Jeremy Belknap." There are four chapters of Mr. Stockton's bright serial, "The House of Martha." Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen's " Elixir of Pain," which is begun in the May Cosmopolitan, is a story of unusual power and strange plot, and will doubtless attract wide attention and much com ment. Of great interest are two real war stories, told by men who have been in the thick of the fight. One is by Archibald Forbes, the famous war correspondent, and the other by Albion W. Tourgee, author of " The Fool's Errand." The illustrations of all three are something unusual, — Boyesen's story, illustrated by Wenzell, so well known through the pages of " Life; " Forbes's story, by Frederic Villiers. another famous war correspondent and artist; and Tourgee's story by Zogbaum. In addition to its strong fiction, this number contains a beautifully illustrated article on the " Cleopatras of the Stage; " another on " New Philadelphia," for which the drawings were made by Harry Fenn. Some wonderful flash-light pho tographs illustrate the underground workings of a "Leadville Silver Mine." " Kennels and Kennel Clubs," and " Dr. Koch and his Lymph," by one who went to Berlin to study the subject, are two articles with numerous illustrations.

BOOK NOTICES. Wills and Intestate Succession. A Manual of Practical Law, by James Williams, B.C.L., M.A. Adam and Charles Black, London; Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Cloth, Si. 50 net. This is the first volume of a new series of law books which will undoubtedly prove of great practical interest to the profession In the present work

the author traces the history of the law of wills from the time of the Conquest down to the present day. The book is filled with much valuable information, and deals at once with the history and principles for which the student looks, and with the practical law essential to the practitioner. Although written with special reference to English law and statutes, the work will prove of much value to the profession in this country. The American State Reports, containing the cases of general value and authority, subsequent to those contained in the " American Decisions" and the " American Reports," decided in the courts of last resort of the several States. Se lected, Reported, and Annotated by A. C. Free man. Vol. XVII. San Francisco, Bancroft Whitney Company, 1891. Law Sheep, #4.00 net In the present volume the Courts of the following States are represented in the decisions reported : California. Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Mary land, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia,, and Wisconsin. The selections are made with the usual care displayed by Mr. Freeman, and his anno tations are as admirable as ever. Vested Rights. Selected Cases and Notes on Retrospective and Arbitrary Legislation affect ing Vested Rights of Property. By William G. Myer. The Gilbert Book Company, St. Louis, 189 1. Law sheep. $6.00. This volume of Mr. Myer's is, we believe, the first work which has been published devoted ex clusively to this important subject. In dealing with this branch of the law, the author has followed the method adopted in his admirable series of " Federal Decisions," and instead of a general treatise, he gives some fifty-five leading cases, on nearly as many distinct phases of the subject, each case being fol lowed by full and exhaustive notes. In fact, the notes are so comprehensive that many of them con stitute in themselves treatises on the particular point therein discussed. The work is excellently adapted for the every-day practice of the lawyer, every ques tion likely to arise being at his immediate command, with all the authorities bearing thereon. Legislative action is so often challenged in regard to retrospec tive laws, or those which impair or divest rights ac quired and vested prior to their enactment, that this volume cannot fail to be of great value not only to the profession, but to those to whom is intrusted the duty of framing laws.