Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 01.pdf/273

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The Green Bag.

was impossible to be engaged in ludicrous inquiries of this sort consistently with that dignity which it was essential a court of justice should observe. On the other hand, an action was maintainable on a wager of a "rump and dozen" whether the plaintiff was older than the defendant. Mr. Sergeant Vaughan urged that instead of any public prejudice arising from the thing betted, it was for the public benefit to promote good humor and conviviality. Lord Mansfield, indeed, said, "I do not, judicially, know the meaning of a 'rump and dozen;'" but Mr. Justice Heath observed that they knew very well, privately, that a rump and dozen was what the witnesses had stated, namely, a good dinner and wine; "in which," said the learned judge, "I can discover no illegality." It was a long time ago decided that a parishioner is not bound to come to his own parish church, provided he goes to another; and that a man cannot have two Christian names. A man cannot bring an action against himself.

We might go on to an interminable length with our pickings, but we must stop, and give only one more; and that is, if a man, for a certain sum of money, agree to do a thing which is impossible, and fails to do it, an action may be brought against him for the non-performance.—Dublin University Magazine.



By Irving Browne.

[The keeping of a small quantity of petroleum in a house, for medicinal purposes only, is not a "storing" within the prohibition of an insurance policy.]

DEFENDANTS had an office grand
Which cost a heavy rent,
Accountants there on every hand,
A portly president
Who was an elder in the church,
And asked a grace each day,
Nor left his neighbor in the lurch
Save in a business way;
Who with benevolence brimmed o'er,
Who never stooped to sport,
Who never drank, and never swore
Except to the report.
This company was much more wise
Than other companies,
For they avowed they would despise
All technicalities;