Page:The Garden of Years.djvu/100

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Phoebus Apollo

But we, the few and the faithful, we are weary of wars unjust,

There is left no god of our thousand gods that we love, be- lieve, or trust ;

In our courts is justice scoffed at, in our senates gold has sway,

And the deeds of our priests and preachers make mock of the words they say !

Cardinals, kings, and captains, there is left none fit to reign:

Hear us, Phoebus Apollo, and come to thine own again !

We have hearkened to creeds unnumbered, we have given

them trial and test, And the creed of thy Delphic temple is still of them all the

best ; Thy clean-limbed, lithe disciples, slender, and strong, and

young, The swing of their long processions, the lilt of the songs

they sung,

Thine own majestic presence, pursuing the nymph of dawn, In thy chariot eastward blazing, by the swans and griffons
