Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/251

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Nidification. Breeds in the months November to March, making a typical Scimitar-Babbler's nest and laying two or three pure white eggs, indistinguishable from those of other species. It is noticeable that the eggs of Southern Scimitar-Babblers are more regularly elliptical and less pointed oval in shape than are those of Northern birds, but every variation is to be found in both. Two eggs of the present bird measure 23·0 × 17·8 mm.

Habits. These Babblers associate either in pairs or small flocks, haunting any class of thick cover and working both the ground, bushes and the lower branches of trees for food. Legge describes their habit of indulging in dances and gesticulations, if such a term may be applied to birds. Their voice, flight and general habits are similar to those of the Indian, species.

Pomatorhinus ferruginosus.

Key to Subspecies.

Crown of head nearly black, much darker than back
P. f. ferruginosus, p. 213.
Crown of head olive-brown or practically concolorous with back.
Breast bright ferruginous
P. f. phayrei, p. 214.
Breast pale ferrugiuous buff
P. f. albigularis, p. 215.
Breast buffy white or very pale buff
P. f. mariæ, p. 215.

(210) Pomatorhinus ferruginosus ferruginosus.

The Coral-billed Scimitar-Babbler.

Pomatorhinus ferruginosus Blyth, J. A. S. B., xiv, p. 597 (1845) (Darjeeling); Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 120.

Vernacular names. Piong-kohut or Poniong-hut (Lepcha); Bhotetet (Bhut.); Peet-gongor (Daphla).

Description. Forehead rufous; crown, nape, lores, upper cheeks and ear-coverts black; a broad supercilium to the nape, chin and lower cheeks white; upper plumage, tail and visible portions of closed wing olive-brown, tinged with rufous; chin and throat white; breast and centre of abdomen bright ferruginous; remainder of plumage olive-brown.

Colours of soft parts. Iris yellow or golden yellow; bill deep coral-red; legs light yellowish brown, sometimes with a greenish or leaden tint.

Measurements. Length about 220 mm.; wing 90 to 95 mm.; tail about 110 mm.; tarsus about 30 mm.; culmen about 27 to 28 mm.

Distribution. Himalayas from Nepal to the extreme east of Assam, North of the Brahmaputra.