Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/82

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themselves there, in which case they shall retain their character of Ottoman subjects.

Those persons emigrating within the above-mentioned period of three years shall continue to enjoy the privilege stipulated for in the third paragraph of Article VI of the present Convention in favour of proprietors settled outside the limits of the Kingdom.

During the same period of three years Mussulmans shall not be liable to military service.

Arrears of taxes.Art. XIV. The Commission created in virtue of Article IX of the present Convention is entrusted with the settlement, within the shortest period possible, of the questions relating to arrears of taxes due to the Ottoman Government in the ceded territories, as well as those which might arise from the collection of the taxes during the current year.

Evacuation.Art. XV. The details of the evacuation and transfer of the ceded territories are settled in a separate Act, which is, and remains, annexed to the present Convention, and will have the same force and value as if it formed part of it.

The Imperial Ottoman troops are bound to evacuate the ceded territories within the period fixed by this Act.

The Imperial Ottoman Government will, however, endeavour to shorten that period as far as possible.

Technical Commissioners.Art. XVI. It is understood that the Mediating Powers reserve to themselves the power to appoint Technical Commissioners for the purpose of superintending the operations connected with the cession of the territories[1].

Amnesty.Art. XVII. A full and entire amnesty shall be granted by Turkey and Greece to all persons implicated or compromised in political events anterior to the present Convention, and relating to the question which is settled by it.

Art. XVIII. The Convention concluded this day between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India; His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia; His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., Apostolic King of Hungary; the President of the French Republic; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty

  1. See Art. III of Annexe.