Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/42

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in a collective note of 15th July, invited both Greece and Turkey to accept. The Porte having replied, stating its objections, on 26th July, the Powers, on 25th August, addressed to it another collective note, declining to reopen the question, but expressing a readiness to consider any suggestions which the Porte might wish to make as to the manner in which the cession should be made. About this time the Montenegrin question Became prominent, and little more is heard of the Greek frontier till December 1880, on the 18th of which month a proposal was made by France, which, proving acceptable to neither party, was withdrawn on 17th January of the following year, to the effect that the six Powers should act as final arbitrators upon the matters in dispute. On 28th December an article appeared in the Agence Russe, suggesting that Crete instead of Janina should be ceded to Greece.

A change of policy.In the meantime the Greek army had been mobilized, and the nation, wrought up to a high pitch of excitement, declared that it would accept nothing less than the line of the Berlin Conference. But the policy of the powers had undergone some modification. They were most unwilling to allow any further fighting; and having ascertained the maximum that could be gained from Turkey by merely diplomatic pressure, offered this to the Greek government, in a collective note dated 7th April 1881, in substitution of the line as drawn by the Conference.

Greece replied on the 12th of the same month, by what has been called a 'shuffling acceptance,' which was however doubtless expressed as clearly as it could have been without leading

    depuis l'embouchure de cette rivière dans la Mer lonienne jusqu'à sa source dans le voisinage de Han-Kalabaki, puis les crêtes qui fonnent la ligne de séparation entre les bassins: Au Nord, de la Vouitza, de l'Haliacmon, et du Mavroneri et leurs tributaires: Au sud, du Kalamas, de l'Arta, de l'Aspropotamos et du Salambryas (Pénée ancien), et leurs tributaires; pour aboutir à l'Olympe, dont elle suivra la crête jusqu'à son extrémité orientale sur la Mer Egée. Cette ligne laisse au sud le Lac de Janina et tous ses afflents, ainsi que Metzovo, qui resteront acquis à la Grèce.'