Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/226

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years[1]. Franco-Nasri having died, Rustem Pasha was appointed also for ten years, as was agreed by a Protocol of the Porte and the Six Powers on 22nd April, 1873[2]. A Protocol signed by the representatives of the same Powers on 8th May, 1883, sanctions the nomination of Wassa Pasha, in the place of Rustem, for a similar period[3]. The Powers and the Porte declare that they uphold the provisions of the Protocols of 27th July, 1868, and 22nd April, 1873, as to the term of ten years assigned to the powers of the Governor, and uphold at the same time those dispositions of anterior Protocols which have not been modified, or which have been confirmed, by the said Protocols.


No. I[4].

1861, 9th June. Protocol signed by Aali Pasha and the Representatives of the Five Powers, at a Conference held at Pera, 9th June, 1861.

Protocole adopté par la Porte et les Représentants des Cinq Grandes Puissances à la suite de l'entente à laquelle a donné lieu de leur part l'examen du projet de Règlement élaboré par une Commission Internationale pour la ré-organisation du Liban. Ce projet de Règlement, daté du 1 Mai, 1861, ayant été, après modifications introduites d'un commun accord, converti en règlement définitif, sera promulgué sous la forme de firman par Sa Majesté Impériale le Sultan, et communiqué officiellement aux Représentants des Cinq Grandes Puissances[5].

L'Article I a donné lieu à la déclaration suivante faite

  1. N.R.G. ibid. 233.
  2. N.R.G. 2me Série, iii, 561.
  3. Parl. Papers, 1883, Turkey, No. 1, p. 23; N.R.G. 2me Série, ix, 233; Texts, No. III.
  4. Parl. Papers, 1861, Syria, Pt. 2, p. 127; N.R.G. xvii, 2 P., 101.
  5. This Protocol is maintained in force by the Protocol of 6th September, 1864, q.v. infra; but the Règlement here mentioned is superseded by the Règlement of that date.