Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/278

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Marcus Antoninus's

out of their knowledge, or work against the Rules of their Trade? And is it not a scandalous business, that an Architect or a Physician, should have more regard for their Profession, then a Man has for his? For His I say, in which he has the honour of the Gods for his Partners. And what's a Man's Trade simply considered as a Man ? Why nothing but the study and practice of Virtue , and Moral Philosophy.

XXXVI. The vast Continents of Europe and Asia, are but Corners of the Creation : The Ocean is but a drop , and Mount Athos but a Grain in respect of the Universe : And the present instant of Time but a Point to the extent of Eternity. These things have all of them Little, Changeable, and Transitory Beings : Remember likewise that all things proceed from the Soul of the Universe, either by direct, or consequential Causality. Thus the growling Deformity of a Lyon, the Poyson of Serpents, Thorns and Dirt, and whatever seems Caurse , or Offensive in Nature, start out of something more Noble, or belong to the Entireness of her Beautiful Productions. [1] Don't therefore suppose them insignificant and unworthy the Being you worship , but consider the Fountain from whence all things spring.

  1. See Book 3. Sect. 2. Book 8. Sect 50.